How to Remember Your Reusable Cup Everyday

How to Remember Your Reusable Cup Everyday

Reusable coffee cups are an essential part of a sustainable lifestyle, helping to reduce waste and minimise your carbon footprint. However, it can be easy to forget to bring your cup with you when you're on the go. In this article, we'll explore some tips for remembering to use your reusable coffee cup, making sustainability a consistent part of your daily routine.

Keep Your Cup Visible 

One of the easiest ways to remember to use your reusable coffee cup is to keep it visible. Place it in a location where you'll see it every day, such as on your kitchen counter or near your keys. This will serve as a reminder to bring your cup with you when you're heading out for the day.

Set a Reminder

If you're prone to forgetting things, set a reminder on your phone or computer to remind you to bring your reusable coffee cup with you. Choose a time that works for you, such as in the morning when you're packing your bag or heading out the door.

Make it a Habit

Incorporate using your reusable coffee cup into your daily routine. For example, make it a habit to grab your cup as soon as you grab your keys and wallet. Over time, this will become second nature, and you'll be more likely to remember to use your cup consistently.

Keep a Spare Cup

If you're worried about forgetting your reusable coffee cup, keep a spare cup in your car or at your workplace. This way, you'll always have a cup on hand, even if you forget to bring your usual cup with you.

Choose a Cup You Love

Invest in a reusable coffee cup that you love and enjoy using. Choose a design or colour that speaks to you and makes you feel good about using it. This will make using your cup a more enjoyable experience and help you remember to bring it with you more consistently.


Remembering to use your reusable coffee cup is an important part of living a sustainable lifestyle. By keeping your cup visible, setting reminders, making it a habit, keeping a spare cup, and choosing a cup you love, you can make sustainability a consistent part of your daily routine. So why not try out these tips and see how easy it is to remember to use your reusable coffee cup every day?

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